Tuesday, May 10, 2011


No, I didn't pass out and have to get shocked.  I am referring to the skin on my left foot. I had a big purple rough patch on the side of my foot. I was told that it was the result of blood/iron seeping out of the veins and pooling underneath the skin. Well, the other night I was inspecting my foot and adding creams to keep them from being too dry.  I accidentally scratched the rough part and a piece of it disappeared like a scab.  It didn't hurt, but was kind of weird and uncomfortable. After I scratched and scrapped as much as I could stand, I applied Neosporin to the area in case of any unknown scarring. So far the purple color hasn't returned.  I am flip flop ready!  Of course, I won't wear them for long periods of time due to the lack of support. I'm counting down the days until I return to the States to find a doctor to perform the stenting.

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