Here are the before and after photos of my feet. I didn't elevate as long or as high as I normally do, but will start back soon. You can see a slight difference in sizes. I like the fact that the right side goes down with elevation. That probably means that the left side is almost completely closed and the extra fluid doesn't have anywhere to go or that my right side is suffering from what the left side is doing/not doing. I know a stent will help make this alright and I thank God that I haven't had any clots. I am definitely trying to monitor my pulse and blood pressure. I think my blood pressure is being affected because at work I often get this funny feeling in my chest and stomach. It kind of feels like butterflies, but not so obvious. When I get this feeling, I take a few deep breaths and try to walk around to promote circulation. I think with my right side swelling now, my heart isn't getting enough blood flow, which would explain my 55-60 bpm pulse that I am starting to get every now and then. I still think that my active schedule and God have gotten me this far. I'm going to continue with both until I know otherwise. God won't change, but my circumstance will! If you know of anyone that has any symptoms of MTS (May-Thurner Syndrome), then please tell them to get checked out no matter how ridiculous they feel. It may seem like it's not a big deal, but prolonging treatment can be traumatizing.
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